Home10 PhD positions in the Europe Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project REBONEOfertas de Empleo10 PhD positions in the Europe Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project REBONE

10 PhD positions in the Europe Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project REBONE

REBONE is a four-year Doctoral Network, funded by the Europe Horizon Marie Skłodowska programme, aiming at innovatively training a new generation of researchers to develop a multidisciplinary optimization process aimed at providing technologies for personalized bone-substitute implants, based on bioactive ceramics to address the health and societal burdens of trauma and bone diseases.

In order to achieve its ambitious goals ReBone is about to open 10 fully funded PhD positions, starting in 2024.

Complete list of the 10 Doctoral positions available within REBONE:

  1. Methods for optimization of bone-substitute architectures (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);
  2. Micro- and macro-mechanical characterization of materials and devices and in-silico Models (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);
  3. 3D printing technologies for Glass-Ceramic and Glass-Ceramic-based composite BTE scaffolds (Politecnico di Torino, Italy);
  4. Tissue-scaffold biological interaction (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
  5. Design of bone inspired scaffolds and biomechanical characterization of the bone-scaffold construct (Université de Liege, Belgium)
  6. Industrial process for glass-ceramic device manufacturing through VPP (Lithoz GmbH, Austria)
  7. Characterization of fracture relevant bone sites for information on the structural/compositional requirements of the implant (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Austria)
  8. Models for Tissue growth and fundamental relationships with micro-architecture of scaffolds (University of Salzburg, Austria)
  9. Biomimetic in vitro culture models for evaluation of novel bone substitute implants (University of Belgrade, RS)
  10. Mixed reality for planning of implant surgery for bone defects of irregular shapes (MEDAPP SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA, Poland)


Overall eligibility criteria:

All applicants need to fully respect the following MSCA eligibility criteria:

  1. They must be doctoral candidates, i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment.
  2. They can be of any nationality BUT must comply with the following mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.
  3. They have to comply with the required profile described at the level of each individual position

Additional eligibility criteria are specified at the level of the description of each PhD positions in what follows.

Please find the additional information regarding the rights and obligations of MSCA fellows, in particular regarding employment conditions, integrity and excellence, on the following address: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c1086dc4-52b4-11ee-9220-01aa75ed71a1/language-en


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