Home15 Ph.D. open positions within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie nanoPaInt European NetworkOfertas de Empleo15 Ph.D. open positions within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie nanoPaInt European Network

15 Ph.D. open positions within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie nanoPaInt European Network

(Nanoparticles in liquids and at fluid interfaces: Interaction, dynamics and assembly)

36 months contracts.

Requisite: not to have lived more than 12 months during the last three years in the Country in which the project will be carried out.

Interested should send their applications to Prof. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman (gtatiana@ttd.tu-darmstadt.de) and to Prof. Ramón G. Rubio (rgrubio@quim.ucm.es)


1.- Colloidal interactions between nanoparticles and rheology of concentrated aqueous nanosuspensions/emulsions: A theoretical model and computer simulation

Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.
Advisors: Profs. Victor Starov and Anna Trybala
E-mail:  V.M.Starov@lboro.ac.uk ; a.trybala@lboro.ac.uk

2.- Colloidal interactions between nanoparticles and rheology of concentrated aqueous nanosuspensions/emulsions: An experimental study.

Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.
Advisors: Profs. Victor Starov and Anna Trybala
E-mail: V.M. Starov@lboro.ac.uk ; a.trybala@lboro.ac.uk

3.- Bulk and surface rheology of suspensions under strong mechanical perturbation.

Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Advisors: Profs. Ramón G. Rubio and Francisco Ortega
Email: rgrubio@quim.ucm.es; fortega@quim.ucm.es

4.- Nanozirconia particles with tailored properties through predictive model of nanoparticles agglomeration.

Saint Gobain Centre de Recherches et D’Etudes Europeen, Cavaillon France
Advisors: Dr. Emmanuel Nonnet
E-mail: emmanuel.nonnet@saint-gobain.com

5.- Modelling of a thin film flow of nanoparticle-laden liquids

Technion Institute of Tecnology, Haifa, Israel
Advisor: Prof. Alex Oron
E-mail: meroron@tx.technion.ac.il

6.- Coalescence/bouncing of bubbles in suspensions

Institut Katalizy I Fizykochemii Powierzchni im, Krakow, Poland
Advisor: Prof. Piotr Warszynski
E-mail: ncwarszy@cyf-kr.edu.pl

7.- Elongation and breakup of nanosuspension liquid bridges under fast stretching conditions.

Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Advisor: Prof. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
E-mail: gtatiana@ttd.tu-darmstadt.de

8.- Wetting-dewetting flow in vibrating sessile drop and nanoparticle self-assembly

University of Granada, Granada, Spain.
Advisor: Prof. Miguel Cabrerizo-Vílchez
E-mail: mcabre@ugr.es

9.- Theoretical foundations of structure and rheology of capillary nanosuspensions

Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgary
Advisor: Prof. Peter A. Kralchevsky
E-mail: pk@lcpe.uni-sofia.bg

10.- Development of capillary nanosuspensions as a precursor for fabrication of smart porous materials

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Advisor: Prof. Erin Koos
E-mail: erin.koos@kuleuven.be

11.- Novel smart materials employing reactive and stimuli-responsive capillary nanosuspensions.

Unilever Research and Development B.V., Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Advisor: Dr. Simeon Stoyanov
E-mail: simeon.stoyanov@unilever.com

12.- Modelling assembling of nanoparticles on substrates

Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Advisor: Prof. Tatiana Gambaryan Roisman
E-mail: gtatiana@ttd.tu-darmstadt.de

13.- Formation of porous supraparticle by evaporation of two coalescing drops on a superhydrophobic substrate

Max Planck Institute for Polymers, Mainz, Germany
Advisor: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt
E-mail: butt@mpip-mainz.mpg.de

14.- Deposition of nanoparticles by spreading and evaporation of nanofluid drops in the presence of superspreaders

Evonik Nutrition & Care, Essen, Germany and Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Advisors: Dr. Joachim Venzmer and Prof. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
E-mail: Joachim.venzmer@evonik.com; gtatiana@ttd.tu-darmstadt.de

15.- Adhesion of nanoparticle clusters on a solid substrate

Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany
Advisor: Dr. Frank Menzel
E-mail: frank.menzel@evonik.com
