EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training “Sustainable hydrogen” (SusHy)
The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training “Sustainable hydrogen” (SusHy) application page and studentship projects brochure are now live on SusHy CDT website.
There are 5 topics in the area of hydrogen safety (can be found among other topics at https://www.sustainablehydrogen-cdt.ac.uk/documents/sushy-cdt-projects-v1-17-dec-20.pdf):
– Safety of using ammonia for the hydrogen economy (available as well through Ulster University webpage: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/doctoralcollege/find-a-phd/793459)
– Modelling and simulation of premixed combustion in large-scale confined geometries (Ulster University webpage: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/doctoralcollege/find-a-phd/796800)
– Safety assessment and mitigation of hazards from TPRD in-situ of hydrogen vehicle (Ulster University webpage: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/doctoralcollege/find-a-phd/793432)
– Using coupled CFD-FEM modelling for the safety assessment of hydrogen-powered vehicles (Ulster University webpage: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/doctoralcollege/find-a-phd/793451)
– Prevention and mitigation of incidents involving hydrogen use in a domestic setting (Ulster University webpage: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/doctoralcollege/find-a-phd/796815)
Deadline for applications at Ulster University is 5th of February 2021.
Any questions please communicate to Dr Dmitriy Makarov at dv.makarov@ulster.ac.uk