HomeConvocatoria de 15 Becas predoctorales europeas en el ámbito de los materiales refractariosOfertas de EmpleoConvocatoria de 15 Becas predoctorales europeas en el ámbito de los materiales refractarios

Convocatoria de 15 Becas predoctorales europeas en el ámbito de los materiales refractarios

Proyecto europeo CESAREF www.cesaref.eu

European Doctoral Network, within Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions CESAREF (Concerted European action on Sustainable Applications of REFractories). 

Selection before July 2022.

• by a very attractive Marie-Sklodowska-Curie PhD fellowship
• by producing research outputs beyond the state of the art in refractory materials area
• by participating in worldwide training workshops and transfers between research teams and industrial partners
• by contributing to the European Green Deal
• by contributing to the development of new processing routes required for green steel
• by characterising materials with sophisticated techniques using large scale facilities
• by eco-design strategies allowing to reduce the environmental impact of processing route thanks to life cycle assessment 
• by excellent opportunities to enhance their career prospects thanks to a huge consortium connected to FIRE worldwide Network
• by involvement in outreach and communication activities about their research work within the new Horizon Europe framework program


You recently got a Master in Materials Science or Engineering ? We offer 15 PhD Positions – CESAREF
