HomePhD Open position on: Electrodes functionalisation with electroactive molecules for electrocatalysisOfertas de EmpleoPhD Open position on: Electrodes functionalisation with electroactive molecules for electrocatalysis

PhD Open position on: Electrodes functionalisation with electroactive molecules for electrocatalysis

Position offered
We offer a three-year PhD position in the framework of the project “Towards Efficient Hydrogen
Production with New Hybrid Electrocatalysts (HYDROCAT).” This project will be developed in
close collaboration with a theoretical group at University of Barcelona and a group expert in
electrocatalysis at the Catalan Institute of Nanonoscience and Nanotechnology.
The work will mainly consist on the synthesis of redox-active molecules that can act as redox
mediators and the preparation of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on electrode surfaces
based on these compounds. The electrocatalytic performance of the prepared SAMs will be
investigated. We will consider two electrochemical processes of socioeconomic, environmental,
and technological importance: the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the oxygen evolution
reaction (OER).

Main Tasks and Responsibilities
The main tasks that the candidate will carry out are:
-Synthesis and characterization of electro-active compounds as redox mediators.
-Electrodes modification with the synthesized materials and their physico-chemical surface
-Evaluation of the performance of the functionalized electrodes in electrocatalysis.

 Bsc. degree in Chemistry and related Master degree (minimum 300 ECTS).
 Good level of English.
 Knowledge in organic synthesis and electrochemistry techniques will be highly valued.

 Full time contract.
 Gross annual salary of in the range of a PhD fellow from Spanish Ministry of Science and
 Duration: 3 years.
 Starting date: February 2024.

How to apply
The selection process will be continuous until a good candidate is found.
Interested candidates should send an email to: Prof. Marta Mas-Torrent, mmas@icmab.es
 Letter of motivation
 If possible, contact details of a reference person.

About the e-MolMat group
The “Molecular Materials for Electronic Devices” (e-MolMat) group is focused on the design and
synthesis of new functional molecular materials for their application in electronic devices. This
is an interdisciplinary group where researchers from different disciplines (i.e., chemistry,
materials science, physics, engineering) are working together. Our work ranges from
fundamental studies in order to better understand materials properties to a more applied
perspective aiming at developing proof-of-principle devices. Particularly, our areas of interest
include synthesis of functional molecules (electroactive molecules, organic radicals), surface
self-assembly, crystal engineering, molecular switches, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs),
charge transport and (bio)-sensors. https://molecularelectronics.icmab.es

ICMAB is one of the world’s leading institutes in Materials Science research, located at Campus
UAB, very close to Barcelona. One of the main ICMAB’s strategic objectives and missions is to
make an impact in the field of new materials for applications in energy, electronics and health.
ICMAB provides facilities, state-of-the-art equipment and most importantly, excellent scientists
and professionals, to assure you a rewarding environment. In the last years, we have grown up
to build up a team devoted to project managing, technology transfer, innovation,
communication, maintenance, technical services and administration, to team up with the
researchers for the advancement of science.
The diversity of our people and the interdisciplinary research fields related to Materials Science
ensures an enriching and inspiring working environment. If you are an enthusiastic and highly
motivated person and would like to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment,
join us!
