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Hydrogen trials show promise at glassmaking plants and other materials news

Glass companies around the world have been conducting trials to replace natural gas with hydrogen in glass production. This shift toward hydrogen offers benefits such as increased energy density, making it suitable for high-temperature processes. Several companies, including AGC, Nippon Electric Glass, Saverglass, SCHOTT, Saint-Gobain, and others, have reported successful hydrogen trials in glassmaking, with some achieving 100% hydrogen combustion. These efforts are part of a broader push for decarbonization in the glass industry. While positive results have been observed, some challenges like changes in glass quality have been noted, which may require adjustments in glass mixture composition. The future holds more hydrogen projects, including the EU-funded H2GLASS project scheduled for full-scale trials in 2025, involving various glass facilities worldwide. Further updates on these initiatives will be presented at the 84th Conference on Glass Problems in Columbus, Ohio, from November 6-8.

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