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Palomar, Teresa

Nombre: Teresa Palomar
Cargo: ComFuturo Postdoc Research Fellow
Institución: Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV-CSIC)
Dirección: C/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Teléfono de Contacto: 91 735 58 40

Línea/Campo de Investigación: Archaeometry and conservation of historical glass.

Breve resumen del CV: Teresa Palomar is Doctor in Chemistry from the Autonoma University of Madrid. Her research interests are focused on the conservation of inorganic materials from cultural heritage, especially on glass and metal.

She has worked with archaeological and historical samples from the most important Spanish and Portuguese museums and institutions, such as the archaeological sites from Itálica and Carmona (Seville), the National Museum of Roman Art (Mérida), the Mosque-Cathedral Monumental Site of Cordoba, the Cathedral of León, the Spanish Museum of Underwater Archaeology (Cartagena), and the House-Museum Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves (Lisbon), among others.

She has developed her scientific career in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Spanish Centre Foundation of Glass (FCNV) and the Research Unit VICARTE «Glass and Ceramic for the Arts» (Portugal). Currently, she is making a post-doc in the Institute of Ceramic and Glass (CSIC).

Link página personal y/o pdf CV abreviado:



Proyecto destacado (nombre, organismo financiador, logos y enlace web):

La enfermedad del vidrio: causas, efectos y tratamientos (ComFuturo Foundation)
