HomeRodríguez, Miguel A.WisWho?Rodríguez, Miguel A.

Rodríguez, Miguel A.

Nombre: Miguel A. Rodríguez
Cargo: Senior Researcher – Investigador Científico de OPIs
Institución: Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC
Dirección: c/ Kelsen 5, Madrid 28049, España
Teléfono de contacto: +34 917355840

Líneas/Campos de Investigación: Materials Synthesis (Mainly Combustion synthesis) and Ceramic processing

M. A. Rodriguez is Senior Researcher (Investigador Científico) in Materials Technology. He is working at the ICV since 1996. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 1985 by the University Complutense of Madrid. After that he moved to the industry and he was responsible of the I+D laboratory of CERATEN, S.A. (For 6 years). After he moved to TGI, S.A. where he was responsible of Ceramics Area (4.5 years). Finally he obtain a position as Tenured Scientist at the CSIC in 1996.

M. A. Rodriguez possesses a large experience in ceramic processing and manufacturing. With a very wide experience working at and in collaboration with the industry. The research activities have crystallized in 9 patents and more than 160 papers.

Member of the Spanish Ceramic and Glass Society (SECV) since 1981, he was Treasurer of the SECV (2001-2004) and General Secretary (2004-2008).

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