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Sanchez-Herencia, A. Javier

Nombre: A. Javier Sanchez-Herencia
Cargo: Científico Titutlar/Tenured Scientist
Institución: Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC
Dirección: c/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid
Teléfono de contacto: 917355840

Línea/Campo de Investigación (Español/ Inglés): Microstructural Design by Colloidal Control of Slurries and Synthesis of Nanosized Powders.

Breve resumen del CV (Español/ Inglés): Dr Sanchez-Herencia earned his PhD degree in Chemistry in 1995 by the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid being the subject of his thesis the colloidal processing and mechanical characterization of multlayered ceramic structures. After a two years postdoctoral stay at the University of California in Santa Barbara he joined the Institute of Ceramic and Glass as Tenured Scientist in 2000. In 2012 he was designated director of the Institute and from 2014 to 2017 he was Deputy Vicepresident for Scientific Programming of CSIC. He is co-inventor in four patents, and has published more than 90 papers, mainly in relevant international journals. He has a h-index of 24 and more than 1500 cites. His research interest is focused in the design and processing of metallic and ceramics materials and composites by controlling colloidal parameters such as the surface reactions, interparticle forces, dispersant and surfactants as well as processing additives. Design of interest covers multilayer, coatings, graded structures and porous materials in both for structural, energetic and biological applications.

Link página personal y/o pdf CV abreviado:

Proyecto destacado ( nombre, organismo financiador, logos y enlace web):
ING4MATER. Compuestos cerámica-metal y aleaciones refractarias de W para su aplicación bajo condiciones de servicio severas: diseño microestructural y nuevas rutas de procesamiento.
Entities: UC3M, UPM, UPC, CSIC-ICV.
