Cargo: Investigador ComFuturo – CSIC
Dirección: C/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Teléfono de Contacto: 91 735 58 40 – ext. 922184
Línea/Campo de Investigación:
New experimental techniques to assemble functional materials for advanced nano and bioelectronics.
Breve resumen del CV: Dr David G. Calatayud is a Postdoctoral researcher in the Depart. of Electroceramics at the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio – CSIC. He received his doctorate in Chemistry from the University of Autónoma de Madrid.
After this he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Spanish National Research Council, focusing on novel materials, nanotechnology, photocatalytic nanoparticles and crystal engineering. In 2014 he joined to the Prof. Sofia Pascu´s group, University of Bath. During this period his research was focused on ‘smart’ all-in-one multimodal imaging probes as novel synthetic platform systems for personalized diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer. His current research interests are critically focused on new experimental techniques to fabricate functional materials (for nano and bioelectronics), biosensing and molecular imaging, and drug delivery applications. His field of expertise covers a variety of topics, from inorganic chemistry to the synthesis of organic compounds, including the application of innovative surface functionalisation strategies and the oriented growth of complex nanostructures.
Link página personal:
Proyecto destacado:
Programmable assembly of electronic nanocomponents by bioinspired pathways (ENANEBIO)
ComFuturo Project, 2nd Edition, Fundación General CSIC