PhD on printable nanostructured sensors for structural composites
IMDEA materials (Deadline: ). This is a PhD project at the interface between nanotechnology, 3D printing and advanced methods for aerospace composite sensing. It...
IMDEA materials (Deadline: ). This is a PhD project at the interface between nanotechnology, 3D printing and advanced methods for aerospace composite sensing. It...
IMDEA (Deadline 20th May). Postdoctoral position on "Innovative Conjugated Porous Polymers (CPPs) for Energy Production And Storage" Postdoctoral position on “Circular Economy of Batteries” Postdoctoral position on “Microbial Electrolytic...
Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología (NTNU) en Trondheim, Noruega Posición predoctoral de 3 años en la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología (NTNU)...