Cargo: Investigador Científico/Scientific Researche
Dirección: C/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Teléfono de Contacto: 91 735 58 40 – ext. 992214
Línea/Campo de Investigación: Research on the design and development of functional ceramics and innovative eco-friendly processing of complex oxides.
Breve resumen del CV: Dr. Amador Caballero his PhD in Physics in the Autonomous University of Madrid and spent two years in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
His research interest focuses on two different but complementary aspects: on one hand basic research in materials processing and relationships between microstructure and properties of electroceramics and on the other, transferring results from this field to industry, with a special focus in providing innovative ideas to traditional ceramics companies. He leads the Research Team on Functional Ceramics at the Department of Electroceramics of the ICV. He is co-author of more than 130 articles published in SCI journals, H=26, 6 patents and has directed 6 doctoral theses, all of them with the highest qualification. Dr. Amador Caballero was the former head of the Department until 2017 when he became Vice Director of the ICV. Editor in chief of the Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio ISSN 0366-3175 since 2017, journal indexed in the Web of Science in the category Materials Science: Ceramics with an IF 2018 of 1.633 and ranked in Q2.
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