Cargo: Científico Titutlar/Tenured Scientist
Dirección: c/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid
Teléfono de contacto: 917355840 – ext: 992235
Línea/Campo de Investigación (Español/ Inglés): Tailoring ceramic materials and composites through Coloidal Processing
Breve resumen del CV (Español/ Inglés): Dr. Eng. B. Ferrari is leading the research group “Tailoring through Colloidal Processing”. Her expertise covers the study of the surface behaviour and modification of inorganic colloids in liquid media applied to the processing of coatings and films, as
well as for the shaping of complex fashions, laminates and composites. The results of her research are collected in 134 publications (>1300 cites and H 21) and 6 patents. She is associated editor of the Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. She has been also guest editor of special issues of SCI indexed journals and collective books and collaborates extensively in the organization of conferences and workshops for science diffusion and dissemination. Dr. Ferrari is the General Secretary of the Spanish Ceramic and Glass Society (SECV) and member of the European and America Ceramic Societies (ECERS & ACERS), as well as the Electrochemical and the Powder Metallurgical Societies. She has been expert for the evaluation of industrial and competitive R&D+i Projects for different official and governmental organisms in the Spanish and International frame.
Link página personal y/o pdf CV abreviado:
Proyecto destacado ( nombre, organismo financiador, logos y enlace web):
ADITIMAT. Additive Manufacturing: from material to application.
S2018/NMT-4411. CM Tecnologias 2018